Why Does Wellbeing Matter?

Good mental wellbeing is the foundation for resilience, ability to adapt and deal with life.

A happy, healthy workforce who feel supported and valued encourages loyalty, commitment, motivation, productivity, improves confidence, increases morale, promotes feelings of value and self worth.  It can also improve relationships within the organisation, helping to build a supportive working environment and importantly, reduce staff absenteeism.

You may well have experienced the impact employee absence can have on your business and other employees.  Absences for stress and/or anxiety are typically at least two weeks but often longer.  With that length of absence, you will almost certainly need to arrange some form of cover.  This may be external - which can bring its own issues - or internal, which can result in employees struggling with the additional workload and who may already feel they are working at capacity or be dealing with personal challenges.  This can lead to additional issues for both you and your employee exacerbating the situation. There is also, of course, the financial cost of employee absence, which may include overtime or temporary staffing costs.  Its easy to see the negative impact for everyone concerned!   

Investing in your employees' mental health and wellbeing won't protect them from life but illustrates their importance and value to the business and the positive impact of that can be significant for you both.  

To book a session or have a chat in more detail about what I can offer your company, just get in touch.