What I do

Put simply, I help employees better understand themselves as individuals, enabling them to improve their individual mental wellbeing.

Firstly, we have a chat about your business need.  We then agree on a workshop - which can be tailored or even created from scratch - to best suit that need and your budget.

Through my workshops, I help improve self understanding and awareness, the importance of wellbeing and what that is, I look at strategies and support opions and whatever else we have agreed!  This knowledge provides the opportunity to better to manage both day to day and signifiant life events and to guage when to seek additional or professional support.  

Workshops are specifically conducted in small groups to encourage a relaxed, informal setting to help engage and encourage attendees to feel at ease. Click here to find out more.  The workshops are delivered in the workplace but the lunchbite and snapshot hour long workshops can be delivered online.  To book a session or have a chat in more detail about what I can offer your company, just get in touch.   

I also offer workshops specifially aimed at managers and is based on Transactional Analysis so get in touch to find out more.